I'm just having one of those blah mornings. I did not get enough sleep, and I wasn't ready to get up this morning. I worked last night. My shift ends at eleven o'clock, but by the time I give report, and finish charting, I usually don't leave until around 11:30, or midnight, or ......... you get the picture. However, last night was an unusually great night. I gave report a little early and was clocked out and headed to Wal-mart by 11:05. Yes, you read it right, going to Wal-mart. I decided after much debate that it was worth staying up later, not to have to drag three kids out today to go grocery shopping. An added bonus is all the weird things you get to see at Beaver Dam Walmart late at night. I forgot to look up and see if it was a full moon, but it must have been!
I didn't fall asleep until well after 1 am, and Jameson woke me up bright and early at 7:30, Judging from the pain I feel now, I must have slept on my left shoulder wrong. I made my coffee like every morning, but the filter folded over, and resulted in coffee grounds swimming in my cup. I've already had to referee several arguments between my boys. The biggest was over the back of a cereal box. It didn't matter that I thought I was being smart by sitting out two boxes, they both wanted to look at the back of the Honey Nut Cheerios.
Anyway it's 9:30 now, and enough complaining about the rough start to my day. I know it hasn't truly been a rough start, it's just my perception of it due to how exhausted I am. It's time to do what I aways do when I have mornings like this. I force my self to think positive, and count my blessings. I look at my three, sometimes difficult, but nonetheless precious children and I pray very very hard that all three them will take a very long nap today, so that I can get one too!