My baby boy is turning four a month from tomorrow. I hate how fast they grow up, but at he same time, I'm looking forward to him turning four, and hoping it's a much better year for us then the last two. From birth to about 2 years old, he was so easy and good. Then a couple of months before he turned two, he threw his first tantrum! I was four months pregnant with Ava, and thought, "What have I gotten myself into?!" Somedays he would throw up to 8 tantrums a day, and I'm talking about throwing himself in the floor and kicking and screaming. Then when he was a little older, he started whining. This was new territory for us. Owen, my oldest, could always be reasoned with, never whined, and might have thrown a fit now and then as a toddler, but nothing like this.
So, for two years now, we've tried everything to stop his tantrums. I've even got on the floor and thrown one myself, trying to show him how ridiculous it looked. He stopped for a second, and then decided he needed to scream louder to drown out my tantrum. I can't tell you how many times I've prayed about this, and wondered what are we doing wrong. There have been times I've dreaded going out in public, when he was in one of his moods. Thankfully, over time, I've learned what triggers his tantrums, and now can pretty much stop them before they start . He still has his days where he might have a meltdown, but most days, he does great.
Okay, so now I get to brag about all of his good qualities. The reasons that even when he was throwing his worst fit, I didn't send him to Nana's to live (just kidding). Jameson has always been so compassionate. If he sees someone hurt or upset, he has to check on them, and try to make them feel better. He gives the best hugs and kisses and is never stingy with them! He has a wonderful imagination, and can sit and play with a gumball machine toy for hours. He's always been great about sharing, and making friends. Anytime we see a kid his age out somewhere, he waves and introduces himself. He is so smart. He's been reading ( 3 letter words) since about 3 1/2. He has a great sense of humor, and keeps us laughing!
I can't wait for the fits and whining to be behind us for good, but will definately miss him being three and all the cute things he did!