Sunday, April 17, 2011


What are you passionate about? I mean really passionate about? Passion is defined as any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling. Our pastor spoke about passion today, and how our relationship with God must be out of passion and not just out of habit. It really made me think. I've been there. There have been times that I've gotten up on Sunday mornings simply because I knew it was the right thing to do. Because I knew that my children needed that foundation in order to grow up and be the stong Christians that I pray everyday they will be. I don't want that to ever be the case again. People say it's hard to break a habit, but I can tell you it's much easier to break a habit, than it is to break something you're truly passionate about. You know how sometimes you can hear something a thousand times, but then all of a sudden you hear it again, and it seems brand new? I had that happen today. I know that God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for me. I've heard it since I was a little girl, but today when our pastor made reference to his own son, and how as a parent you always have you're childs best interest at heart, and you're job is to protect them no matter what. It really hit me again just how much God loves us. I thought of Owen, and how I couldn't imagine having to watch him suffer and be tormented the way Jesus was. Every fiber of my being would be ready to jump up and save him. But you see, my mindset, our mindset is so often not an eternal mindset. I pray everyday that God will help me to have an eternal mindset. I used to get so caught up in the here and now, and would be so passionate about things that didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Having an eternal mindset really is a remarkable thing, you should try it. I promise you'll have less stress and worry in your life, and less arguments with your spouse:) It makes you realize that there's a much bigger picture than just your little life and your little family. Don't get me wrong it's not always easy, there are still times when I start to get worked up about something, and I have to remind myself that I'm wasting my passion on something so unimportant, when there are so many extremely important things that I need to direct some passion towards!