So I'm a couple of days late blogging about all the wonderful things I'm thankful for. No surprise there. It seems no matter how hard I try to get things done on time, or be on time, I'm still late. Trust me, it hasn't always been this way. I can vaguely remember a time before kids when I was always early! Boy does that seem like a lifetime ago!
Jameson had his four year check-up last week, and I was twenty minutes late! I'm blaming this one on the nice man at Chase though. For once I was early, twenty minutes early to be exact. So, I thought instead of sitting in Owensboro Pediatrics waiting for twenty minutes, I would try to squeeze in a quick run. If you know me at all, you know that I always think I can squeeze in way more than humanly possible. Anyway, I've been needing to open a new checking account for my Thirty-one business, so I called and spoke with this very nice man at Chase. He assured me that he could get a new account opened in 10-15 minutes. I warned him I had a two and four year old with me, and had to be at the Dr.'s office by 10:45. He assured me I'd be done in time. Thirty minutes later, I'm rushing out the door, calling Owensboro Pediatrics begging them to let me keep Jameson's appointment. They informed me that they had a new policy that stated if anyone is more than 15 minutes late, they must reschedule. Well, I must have sounded desperate, because they saw him. This I am very thankful for!
Sometimes I try to remember back to before we had kids. I try to remember what it was like to be early or just on time. I try to remember what it was like to just get myself ready, without packing an array of snacks, toys and sippy cups. I try to remember what it was like to sit down and have a meal without wiping mouths, hands, noses, and taking several potty breaks. I remember that life was less chaotic then, but it was also a whole lot less fun!
This brings me to the part of what I'm thankful for. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed Jeremy and me with three wonderful, healthy kids. I love watching them explore and learn new things. I love watching them grow even though it happens way too fast! I love waking up every single day and spending time with them. I may be late everywhere I go, and life may be very chaotic at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jameson Cole
My baby boy is turning four a month from tomorrow. I hate how fast they grow up, but at he same time, I'm looking forward to him turning four, and hoping it's a much better year for us then the last two. From birth to about 2 years old, he was so easy and good. Then a couple of months before he turned two, he threw his first tantrum! I was four months pregnant with Ava, and thought, "What have I gotten myself into?!" Somedays he would throw up to 8 tantrums a day, and I'm talking about throwing himself in the floor and kicking and screaming. Then when he was a little older, he started whining. This was new territory for us. Owen, my oldest, could always be reasoned with, never whined, and might have thrown a fit now and then as a toddler, but nothing like this.
So, for two years now, we've tried everything to stop his tantrums. I've even got on the floor and thrown one myself, trying to show him how ridiculous it looked. He stopped for a second, and then decided he needed to scream louder to drown out my tantrum. I can't tell you how many times I've prayed about this, and wondered what are we doing wrong. There have been times I've dreaded going out in public, when he was in one of his moods. Thankfully, over time, I've learned what triggers his tantrums, and now can pretty much stop them before they start . He still has his days where he might have a meltdown, but most days, he does great.
Okay, so now I get to brag about all of his good qualities. The reasons that even when he was throwing his worst fit, I didn't send him to Nana's to live (just kidding). Jameson has always been so compassionate. If he sees someone hurt or upset, he has to check on them, and try to make them feel better. He gives the best hugs and kisses and is never stingy with them! He has a wonderful imagination, and can sit and play with a gumball machine toy for hours. He's always been great about sharing, and making friends. Anytime we see a kid his age out somewhere, he waves and introduces himself. He is so smart. He's been reading ( 3 letter words) since about 3 1/2. He has a great sense of humor, and keeps us laughing!
I can't wait for the fits and whining to be behind us for good, but will definately miss him being three and all the cute things he did!
So, for two years now, we've tried everything to stop his tantrums. I've even got on the floor and thrown one myself, trying to show him how ridiculous it looked. He stopped for a second, and then decided he needed to scream louder to drown out my tantrum. I can't tell you how many times I've prayed about this, and wondered what are we doing wrong. There have been times I've dreaded going out in public, when he was in one of his moods. Thankfully, over time, I've learned what triggers his tantrums, and now can pretty much stop them before they start . He still has his days where he might have a meltdown, but most days, he does great.
Okay, so now I get to brag about all of his good qualities. The reasons that even when he was throwing his worst fit, I didn't send him to Nana's to live (just kidding). Jameson has always been so compassionate. If he sees someone hurt or upset, he has to check on them, and try to make them feel better. He gives the best hugs and kisses and is never stingy with them! He has a wonderful imagination, and can sit and play with a gumball machine toy for hours. He's always been great about sharing, and making friends. Anytime we see a kid his age out somewhere, he waves and introduces himself. He is so smart. He's been reading ( 3 letter words) since about 3 1/2. He has a great sense of humor, and keeps us laughing!
I can't wait for the fits and whining to be behind us for good, but will definately miss him being three and all the cute things he did!
Friday, July 2, 2010
From Blah to Blessings.
I'm just having one of those blah mornings. I did not get enough sleep, and I wasn't ready to get up this morning. I worked last night. My shift ends at eleven o'clock, but by the time I give report, and finish charting, I usually don't leave until around 11:30, or midnight, or ......... you get the picture. However, last night was an unusually great night. I gave report a little early and was clocked out and headed to Wal-mart by 11:05. Yes, you read it right, going to Wal-mart. I decided after much debate that it was worth staying up later, not to have to drag three kids out today to go grocery shopping. An added bonus is all the weird things you get to see at Beaver Dam Walmart late at night. I forgot to look up and see if it was a full moon, but it must have been!
I didn't fall asleep until well after 1 am, and Jameson woke me up bright and early at 7:30, Judging from the pain I feel now, I must have slept on my left shoulder wrong. I made my coffee like every morning, but the filter folded over, and resulted in coffee grounds swimming in my cup. I've already had to referee several arguments between my boys. The biggest was over the back of a cereal box. It didn't matter that I thought I was being smart by sitting out two boxes, they both wanted to look at the back of the Honey Nut Cheerios.
Anyway it's 9:30 now, and enough complaining about the rough start to my day. I know it hasn't truly been a rough start, it's just my perception of it due to how exhausted I am. It's time to do what I aways do when I have mornings like this. I force my self to think positive, and count my blessings. I look at my three, sometimes difficult, but nonetheless precious children and I pray very very hard that all three them will take a very long nap today, so that I can get one too!
I didn't fall asleep until well after 1 am, and Jameson woke me up bright and early at 7:30, Judging from the pain I feel now, I must have slept on my left shoulder wrong. I made my coffee like every morning, but the filter folded over, and resulted in coffee grounds swimming in my cup. I've already had to referee several arguments between my boys. The biggest was over the back of a cereal box. It didn't matter that I thought I was being smart by sitting out two boxes, they both wanted to look at the back of the Honey Nut Cheerios.
Anyway it's 9:30 now, and enough complaining about the rough start to my day. I know it hasn't truly been a rough start, it's just my perception of it due to how exhausted I am. It's time to do what I aways do when I have mornings like this. I force my self to think positive, and count my blessings. I look at my three, sometimes difficult, but nonetheless precious children and I pray very very hard that all three them will take a very long nap today, so that I can get one too!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Prayer by Jeremy Handley
First, I want to thank my Jesus for the wonderful family he has given me. My wife is the light of my life second to God, and my children bring me so much joy each and every day. I have been trying the scripture today. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Most people think that means to pray all day, but that is hardly the case. Don't get me wrong, we have to pray every day, but I believe what God meant by this is to be in tune with him and listen for his voice all day long. If we will die to ourselves each day and listen to the voice of God, he will begin to give us powerful words for others, words that will surely set them free and draw them to Christ. I encourage you all to try this out. It is free, and it just might change your life, and add people to the Kingdom of God in the process!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
So Much At Stake

My last post talked about how we as parents have a natural instinct to protect our children from harm. It's easy to protect them from physical harm if we see it coming, but what about protecting them spiritually. 1 Peter 5:8 states to be vigilant because the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Our children are our future, so of course they are going to be a prime target for the enemy. The fact the scripture says "may devour", means that he can only devour those who in a sense give him permission. I will not give the devil permission to have any sort of spiritual stronghold over my children.
One of my favorite chapters in the bible is Ephesians 6, because when we fully understand it, then we have the power to take down our enemy before he even has a chance to get his foot in the door! Ephesians 6:12 states that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We can't expect to fight such an important and huge battle, with little or no power. We have to realize the importance of us as parents being spiritually armed and ready, instead of unarmed and defenseless. There is so much at stake!
One of my favorite chapters in the bible is Ephesians 6, because when we fully understand it, then we have the power to take down our enemy before he even has a chance to get his foot in the door! Ephesians 6:12 states that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We can't expect to fight such an important and huge battle, with little or no power. We have to realize the importance of us as parents being spiritually armed and ready, instead of unarmed and defenseless. There is so much at stake!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Child of God

For anyone who knows my Jameson, they know that he is accident prone. He hurts himself everyday, sometimes several times a day. It may be a scraped knee, a bumped head, or a splinter. Today, it seemed as if everytime I turned around, I was preventing an accident from happening. Moving a shoe, before he tripped over it, as he came running up the hall. Putting my hand over the corner of our kitchen table as he raised up from under it. It's just a natural instinct we have as mothers. We're always on the lookout for the safety of our kids. I thought about how he didn't even realize that he almost got hurt. He was in his own little wonderful world, caught up in play, and imagining he was a hermit crab, (or maybe it was a lobster, everyday he pretends to be a different animal).
I couldn't help but think how God does this same thing for us. I wondered how many times I've been on the brink of an accident or difficult time and before I even sensed anything was wrong, he had already sent his angels and intervened. I love it when God takes situations with my children, and through them gives me a glimpse of just how much he loves me, as one of his children!
I couldn't help but think how God does this same thing for us. I wondered how many times I've been on the brink of an accident or difficult time and before I even sensed anything was wrong, he had already sent his angels and intervened. I love it when God takes situations with my children, and through them gives me a glimpse of just how much he loves me, as one of his children!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Today I am planning Owen's 7th birthday party! While this is always a very exciting time of year for both of us, this year has been bittersweet. Seven seems so much older then six to me. It's hit me these last few weeks just how big he is getting, and worse just how fast it's happening. I think back to when he was a just a baby. I remember those chubby rolls that consumed his little body. I try to remember all the little perfect things about him, the things that I thought surely I would never forget. Well, guess what, seven years and two kids later, I have. That alone makes me sad. I'm so thankful for pictures and baby books.
The last seven years I've been able to witness that chubby baby grow into a brilliant, handsome, little boy. I'm so proud to be his mama, and feel honored that God chose me to raise him.
If anything, these past seven years has shown me just how fast the next seven will fly by, which is why I better quit typing and get back to Jameson and Ava. I want to take in every moment of their precious lives. I know I'll be planning their seventh birthday parties before I know it!
The last seven years I've been able to witness that chubby baby grow into a brilliant, handsome, little boy. I'm so proud to be his mama, and feel honored that God chose me to raise him.
If anything, these past seven years has shown me just how fast the next seven will fly by, which is why I better quit typing and get back to Jameson and Ava. I want to take in every moment of their precious lives. I know I'll be planning their seventh birthday parties before I know it!
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