Saturday, November 27, 2010

Always late but thankful!

So I'm a couple of days late blogging about all the wonderful things I'm thankful for. No surprise there. It seems no matter how hard I try to get things done on time, or be on time, I'm still late. Trust me, it hasn't always been this way. I can vaguely remember a time before kids when I was always early! Boy does that seem like a lifetime ago!
Jameson had his four year check-up last week, and I was twenty minutes late! I'm blaming this one on the nice man at Chase though. For once I was early, twenty minutes early to be exact. So, I thought instead of sitting in Owensboro Pediatrics waiting for twenty minutes, I would try to squeeze in a quick run. If you know me at all, you know that I always think I can squeeze in way more than humanly possible. Anyway, I've been needing to open a new checking account for my Thirty-one business, so I called and spoke with this very nice man at Chase. He assured me that he could get a new account opened in 10-15 minutes. I warned him I had a two and four year old with me, and had to be at the Dr.'s office by 10:45. He assured me I'd be done in time. Thirty minutes later, I'm rushing out the door, calling Owensboro Pediatrics begging them to let me keep Jameson's appointment. They informed me that they had a new policy that stated if anyone is more than 15 minutes late, they must reschedule. Well, I must have sounded desperate, because they saw him. This I am very thankful for!
Sometimes I try to remember back to before we had kids. I try to remember what it was like to be early or just on time. I try to remember what it was like to just get myself ready, without packing an array of snacks, toys and sippy cups. I try to remember what it was like to sit down and have a meal without wiping mouths, hands, noses, and taking several potty breaks. I remember that life was less chaotic then, but it was also a whole lot less fun!
This brings me to the part of what I'm thankful for. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed Jeremy and me with three wonderful, healthy kids. I love watching them explore and learn new things. I love watching them grow even though it happens way too fast! I love waking up every single day and spending time with them. I may be late everywhere I go, and life may be very chaotic at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

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