Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wake Up America!

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 24:36

Today has been one of those days when I look around and I want to scream, “Wake up America!”  And then I feel frustrated, and overwhelmed because I know that it wouldn't matter. If I screamed the entire gospel of Jesus Christ, the majority of people would just call me crazy. Old fashioned because I still believe in holiness, close-minded because I believe every word of the bible, judgmental because I stand for what Jesus stands for and against what he stands against, insane because I believe in and put all of my trust in someone that I haven’t physically seen with my own two eyes.

And still even with this realization, here I go, “Wake up America!”  We’re not promised tomorrow. Tonight could be the last night you have to get your life right with your maker. We were put on this earth for a reason, not just to live a life pleasing to ourselves.  It’s not about “us” and until we realize that, we’ll never have a fulfilled life, or make heaven our eternal home.

End time prophecies are being fulfilled….our nation is in trouble. Babies are being murdered, sin is being promoted and praised, holiness is being mocked, television and Hollywood have become our idols. We go to church because it looks good. We talk about Jesus when it fits, but deny his power when it really matters. We care more about the cars we drive and the clothes we wear than the lost soul living down the road, or our own soul for that matter.  We get so excited about every new fad that comes our way that we’ll talk to a complete stranger about it, but we turn up our noses when those radical “Jesus lovers” want to talk about how excited they are about HIM. We put so much time and effort into making our flesh look good, but we just don’t have time to read our bibles or pray?  We spend money we don’t have to impress people who are also most likely spending money they don’t have, so that we can spend our lives working to pay it all off.  And the whole time our children are witnessing it all, learning it, sure to grow up and repeat it, because that’s what they know.  Another generation further away from the peace, joy and freedom that Christ brings.

And to think just some two hundred years ago this great nation was founded on Christian values and principles….. It’s time to wake up. “For he said, I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”  2 Corinthians 6:2

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