Saturday, October 26, 2013

Temporary Home

I found myself feeling very out of place tonight. I was driving home alone (a rarity, as I usually have my three very talkative kiddos in the back) and I found myself with a heavy heart. I felt so alone in this world. And by alone, I guess I also mean different. Here I am living this life that if you had told me ten years ago, I would be living..... I would have surely laughed.
For starters, it's nothing like what I had planned. My career choice had a lot to do with my children. I went to nursing school because I love to take care of people, but also because I knew it would provide an opportunity to work PRN shifts that would let me spend more time with my kids. My goal was to get a job as a school nurse at the kids school when my youngest started kindergarten. Fast forward seven years and I'm confronted with knowing that I'm being called to home school. Excuse me God? Come again? Surely I heard you wrong? I was suppose to get a break when Ava started kindergarten. I was suppose to finally start getting a substantial  paycheck. But you see, his ways are not our ways. Two years in, and I've found that I wouldn't trade teaching my children for anything.
So here I am, driving home feeling alone and different. I start to second guess myself and honestly think something must be wrong with me, because I actually enjoy doing all the things that society says are old fashioned and unnecessary. I can admit to being old fashioned. I might just be the only 32 year old that listens to southern gospel music on a daily basis :) I don't keep up with Hollywood, or the latest trends. My role models are the women in my life who are wise enough to put Christ first in all they do. I still get excited everyday around 5:00 because I know my husband will be walking through the door any minute. And yes, I actually enjoy cooking, cleaning, decorating, and making our house a home. 
I pulled in our driveway still feeling alone and out of place. Then the Lord reminded me of just how narrow his path is. It will feel lonely at times, but his word promises that he will never leave or forsake us. And it's only natural for us to feel out of place on this earth, because after all it's just our temporary home. 

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